Claim 270 free OXY2 tokens (50$)
Claim 270 free OXY2 tokens (50$)


Cryptoxygen is a digital cryptocurrency platform which will be directly integrated in more than one million notebooks, smartphones and tablets of Thomson, sold across the globe!

Instruction to Claim 270 free OXY2 tokens

  1. Start chat with Cryptoxygen Telegram Bot.
  2. Join their Telegram Group. (Mandatory)
  3. Follow them on Twitter and Like/Retweet their last 3 tweets. (Mandatory)
  4. Like their Facebook Page and Like/Share their last 3 posts. (Mandatory)
  5. Register on Sistemokin Exchange. (Mandatory)
  6. Submit your details to the bot.
  7. You will receive 270 OXY2 ($50) tokens.
  8. You can earn an additional 12 OXY2 ($2.1) for every referral.

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