Claim Free Brikcoin Tokens
Claim Free Brikcoin Tokens


BRIKCOIN is a revolutionary investment model. Bringing together blockchain technology and real estate investment, it provides high liquidity and low risk. What’s more, it achieves this by building sustainable and affordable housing in the UK to ebb the growing national crisis. atform.

Instruction To Claim Free Brikcoin Tokens

  1. Create an account at BRIKCOIN. (mandatory, +50 BRIK)
  2. Chat with this Telegram bot.
  3. Pass the verification from the bot.
  4. Join their Telegram group. (mandatory, +50 BRIK)
  5. Follow them on Twitter, like and retweet any one of their tweets. (optional, +120 BRIK)
  6. Like their Facebook page, like and share any one of their posts. (optional, +120 BRIK)
  7. Follow them on Instagram and like any 3 posts. (optional, +160 BRIK)
  8. Follow them on LinkedIn and share one post. (optional, +200 BRIK)
  9. Subscribe to their YouTube channel, watch and like one video. (optional, +150 BRIK)
  10. Submit your details to the Telegram bot.
  11. Get 175 BRIK for each referral.

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